If you were to ask me what I am most proud of in my life, I would say my marriage. Although I must also add that this past year’s new additions have definitely made it challenging to keep our priorities, including our marriage, in check. When we first got married, we attended a marriage seminar in Hawaii where we learned that our lives are a triangle. God is the top peak of the triangle, while the husband and wife make up the other two points on the bottom. As long as we keep our focus “up” at the peak, our marriage will be held and covered by the hands of God. “Sign me up for that,” I thought! Looking back at our 3 years in Hawaii, it was actually pretty easy to follow this model, given the low stress levels in our lives, and the fact that it was just Casey & me…all of the time! Wow, things have changed to say the least…
This year the Lord has blessed us with many, many gifts. We prayed and prayed for all of these things, and God heard us and answered each and every prayer. We purchased our first home, moved from Hawaii to California, opened our Chick-fil-A restaurant, and welcomed Haylee Ann…all in 5 months. I can totally see God’s sense of humor in all of this. I remember having many conversations with Him, negotiating, begging and pleading for my wants/desires to be fulfilled (a baby)…on my timing. He always reveals to me who is really in control.
One day this week, Casey spent the day with us instead of at Chick-fil-A…we had a much needed family day. Although Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays, we had yet to have a commitment or work–free Sunday in over a year. So, can you see why this was so special? We took Haylee to her “Parent & Me” swim class and then we went to Fuddrucker’s for lunch. For the first time, Haylee Bug slept and let Mommy & Daddy just enjoy each other over juicy cheeseburgers and milkshakes! Normally, when we eat, we are prying napkins, forks & knives from her hands or she’s spilling water on her Daddy’s cell phone (really happened recently). It was such a blessing to be able to focus on our marriage and our family, and I’m smiling as I’m typing this and thinking about it. For those of you who have read “The Five Love Languages”…my love tank is full! I’m looking forward to more family days and more time spent focusing on our marriage…
Daddy & Haylee Bug at "Parent & Me" swim class
Haylee's swim instructor, Miss Brittany

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a big...splash!